first- Graham learned how to suck his thumb! It's the cutest thing ever. He usually only sucks on it when he hungry and or sleepy, but usually when I wake him up in the morning he is sucking his thumb. He seems to be taking after his mommy!
Second- I turned 25! I'M SO OLD! It was a good birthday though. I took the friday before off since Nelson was off, and we went to lucn so I could get some bread pudding (yum!) then we went to a movie, and then dinner with Dad and Tami. Both Gerald and Kathleen and Dad and Tami gave me money, so I was able to do some shopping just for me. I bought some clothes, a book and some new work shoes. It was nice to pamper myself.
Third- Graham's first Easter! We went out to Antelope Island with the Strong/Jenkins family on Saturday. It was a really sunny day, but very windy and cold. Me and Graham hung out in the car for a good part of the day, and when we did come out, he was pretty bundled up. Sunday we went the Sparks for Easter and Conferance. Graham had fun watching his cousins play, and watching the crazy easter egg hunt. I can't wait till he can participate next year.
Fourth- Graham started eating food! Nelson wanted for him to wait till he was 5 monts old, but he finally gave in one day when he had to watch him and he figured out how much he wanted to eat all the time. So we started him on rice cereal, and moved on to green beans, squash, pears, applesauce, carrots and bananas. So far he hasn't minded any of them, but I think he really likes the bananas and beans. He's turned into quite a chunk!
Fourth- Graham finally learned how to roll over! Well, mostly. He's figured out how to get onto his tummy, but can't figure out how to get off of it! Before we know it he's going to be crawling!
And last but certainly not least, Graham is 5 months old! I can't believe my little boy is so old already. It was just the other day that we were bringing him home from the hospital! He has been one of the biggest blessing in my life. I can't even imaging my life without him anymore!
Such a cute baby! I still can't believe how big he is. I'm excited too for next year when he can participate in the egg hunt...somehow having only Lincoln hunt isn't as thrilling.